Hello, Tuni!

Known to some as Tracy and others as Cookies on the Side, to her family she's been affectionately known as "Tuni" for many years now.  

A name shortened from "Pink Petunia” and lovingly given to her by one of her daughters, she came to be called Tuni to better capture the joy and cheer reflected in the copious amounts of bright pink and patterned clothing she’s often seen wearing.

Stepping into this newest venture of cheerful table linens and wrapping papers, Tracy was inspired to draw on her artful cookie designs and love for entertaining to create premium products that would add to the joy and happiness you feel at each and every one of your festive occasions…and so came to be TUNI!

Each product is made in the US with every table runner and dinner napkin hand-sewn by Tuni herself in North Carolina! 

We're delighted you're here and grateful to have you following along this exciting journey! #itstunitime 

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